Thursday, October 20, 2005

Reactions to my Poynter column

Interesting reaction to my Poynter column on being a boomer boss. All generally positive. One theme seems to be that both old editors and young reporters long for a directness -- in praise and criticism -- that many don't see today in their newsrooms. This thoughtful comment, posted with the column now, also was echoed in a few other e-mails to me: "It used to be that any news meeting anywhere included several people willing to play devil's advocate with bluntness and impunity. There is a lot less of that these days, and thus we are losing some intellectual honesty in our most basic tasks, assessing news value and the readiness of stories for publication."

It seems generation issues in the workplace would be good fodder for stories. Anyone have examples? Please let me know by posting comments, with link to story, if possible.

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