Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Latest Age Beat Online Newsletter

The Oct. 18, 2005, issue of Age Beat Online, the newsletter of the Journalists Exchange on Aging (JEoA) was emailed this week. It is edited by Paul Kleyman of Aging Today, who email link is in box at top of the blog.

Here's the intro; to read more, click this link:

IN THIS ISSUE: Are we band-centric yet?

SPECIAL ABO NOTICE ON JEoA NATIONAL STYLE GUIDELINES: Within the next week ABO will send out the Journalists Exchange on Aging National Word Survey. This short survey will be your opportunity to add your input to the JEoA's first National Style Guidelines on usage in writing about older people. This will not be a PC Rosetta Stone but a working document to be updated according to your insights and experience in writing on aging. "Senior." "Senior citizen." "Old." "Older." "Geezerly." "Elderly." What do you and your audience members prefer-or abjure? What are the subtle words you use or avoid ("feisty"?). Don't answer now. The questions are coming and the answers will provide journalists and news organizations with a style sheet-with feedback from working reporters-to use or adapt. Watch for the JEoA National Word Survey in a few days, and please take a few minutes to autoreply your answers.

3. "AGE BEATLES NEWS": Supercentenarians Book; "Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause"; Roszak Uber Novels; Business Week is Booming
4. "LARKIN'S LINKS" on The Power of Music
5. "SAGE WATCH" on The Social Side of Health

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