Thursday, October 13, 2005

Age breakdowns in new Bush poll

A new Pew Center poll shows President Bush's ratings going "from bad to worse" but be sure to probe the demographic data. While 38 percent overall approve of Bush's job, the number is 45 percent for those 65 and over. What's also interesting is that people 65 and over have a LOWER satisfaction rate (35 percent) with "the way things are going in this country today" than overall (40 percent). It would be interesting to go back to other Bush polls and see how age breakdowns play out.(Note the error rate is plus/minus 3 percent.) Lots of interesting nuggets if you click in the demographic pdf table on the web site. Also, not sure Pew can do this all the time, but I've asked for more age breakdowns in past and gotten them, since some tables only show 50 plus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree completely. WHy do you think he is so on target with the citizens in our nation/?